Sunday, September 28, 2008

Misc pics from September

Southern Fried Festival

Buster and Crystal rode the Harley and I rode my scooter to my work where we parked and walked to the festival. Lacie and Lindsey came to. The aroma of food smelled good when we arrived. I kept looking for southern fried food, which I never found so we ate burgers and onion blooms and funnel cakes of course. The Kentucky Head Hunters were there and they were great. The drummer put on a near 15 minute drum solo. He was awesome. We had a great time.

Nana Day at School "Grand Parents Day"

When Nathan got a note from school about Grand parents day he had his mama bring him to my work to hand deliver what he called Nana day at his school and he wanted me to come. The other boys got their note later the same day. They all go to the same school right now. Buster had to work. My boss let me and Gene off long enough to go to Nana Day. The boys had a small program were they sang songs and then we got to go to each of their classes and see their work. They were so excited that their dad came to.

Labor Day Weekend at Dale's

Who says old people can't have fun. Dale, Aunt Wilma's son and Buster's boss had us over for a cook out, Swimming and we also enjoyed the Hot Tub. Daddy Jack thought he was young again, at age 69. He said he hadn't had this much fun in 20 years. He was diving forward and backward into the pool and just really enjoying himself. Mama Sandy and Aunt Wilma were being true sisters, you know cat fighting in the pool. Crystal was diving like a dolphin and having a lot of fun too. Dale's pool was great he had a water fountain in the middle and it was so refreshing. Dale grilled out food for us and the ladies brought goodies to. Everything was really good and we all enjoyed ourselves. Please you young folkes don't laugh you will be old to one day. And as I always say to my kids."We might be old, but we are not dead". Ha! Ha!