Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blake's Graduation

I took an early lunch to go see Blake graduate 5th grade. Ryan was taking all kinds of crazy pictures, he might grow up to be a photographer who knows. I can't believe Blake is going to middle school and will be 12 in July. He also got an award and a metal.
Janie and Lacie made him a cake and we ate supper and had cake to celebrate when we got off work. His daddy decided he needed a graduation spanking(just any reason to wrestle arround) boys will be boys.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

All Prayers Appreciated !!!

On Sunday, May 2nd, 2010 Nashville got more rain than it has seen in over 80 years in a very short time. I'm sad to say that Janie and Aarons house was flooded with over 18 inches of water. They lost everything down stairs, which is their master bedroom and bath and walk in closet, kitchen, livingroom and laundry room, half bath and garage. All the floors had to be ripped out and two feet of the drywall.

Janie had come to our house on Saturday to go to a friends baby shower when the storms set in. Aaron went to the Jimmy Buffet concert with Brad. Janie decided to stay with us instead of driving home alone with Clara (5wks old) at the time.

We went to her house after the water went down. She was so heartbroken to see all of her things gone and being tossed out, but thankful that her family was still all ok.

Here are a few pics of the damage. All prayers appreciated. THANKS

Monday, May 3, 2010

May Flowers!

We have all kinds of flowers and trees and bushes that just keep blooming. Some we know what are and some we don't. We just know they are God's beautiful creations. They don't quite look so pretty today since all the hard rain and storms. These pics were took on Saturday morning about 7:00am. Enjoy.