Friday, April 30, 2010


Happy Birthday, Gene. Yes, my son was born on 4-20 and my name is Mary Jane. Gene and Buster think its funny. Everyone else seems to think its pretty funny to.

I went to get a plain cake from Kroger and the lady in the deli wanted to know why she couldn't decorate it for me. I told her she couldn't put on it what I needed. I went on shopping and came back to get the cake and she asked again what was I going to put on the cake that she couldn't, so I told her. She laughed and said tell him to enjoy and think about her. Then I get to the front of Kroger to check out and the young man asked why did you get a blank cake, what are you going to put on it. So I told him. He just laughed and laughed and shared it with his buddies.

Needless to say, Gene enjoyed his cake and we went out to eat as well.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Visit from Janie and Clara

Janie and Clara came down yesterday and took me Legends for lunch and then she went to visit with Cassy. Then they came and eat supper with us. We enjoyed the visit.
Clara really seemed to listen to her silly nana.

Short Trip to Asheville, NC

We went to Asheville, NC last weekend to be with Daddy Jack as he had open heart surgery. We enjoyed having Aunt Wilma with us also. Daddy is doing much better now.

While we were on the way home we made a few stops on the Ocoee River and a motor cycle shop where Buster found a Buster sized Harley. It was quite large and yes, it did have a harley motor and did actually run.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Week !!!!!!

We were glad to have Sunshine and family for the week. It was also Clara's first trip to Nana and Pa's house. Buster smoked pink meat for Saturday's lunch and egg hunt. Of course, as usual it was great! The kids sure had a lot of fun. We finally got a house with good entertaining areas and the kids love it. The big kids too!

We had 5 of our 6 kids and 8 of our 10 grandkids down, Aunt Wilma, Cassy and her two kids. Shane had to work and we hate they didn't get to come down. They were missed.